Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Homework for Monday, Part 2

Consider the following prompts:
1. Compare and contrast the themes of choice, consequence, and personal responsibility in Oedipus Rex and A Doll's House.
2. Compare and contrast the use of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex and A Doll's House.
3. Compare and contrast the cultural views of women portrayed in Oedipus Rex and A Doll's House.
4. Compare and contrast the cultural views of masculinity portrayed in Oedipus Rex and A Doll's House.
5. Compare and contrast definitions of legality and morality portrayed in Oedipus Rex and A Doll's House.
6. Compare and contrast dynamics of dominance and submission in  Oedipus Rex and A Doll's House.
7. Choose another basis for comparison/contrast between the two plays and have it approved.
  1. First, write a thesis statement you might use to begin an essay written in response to your chosen prompt.
  2. Next, make a list of three examples from EACH text that you would use to illustrate EACH similarity or difference you would discuss in your essay. (Note: You can simply write a few keywords and a page # for each).
  3. TYPE this assignment and bring it in for Monday.

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